eric hattan, oliver senn
mitten in pulheim, johannisstraße 14
book design
communication design
invitation and publication on the occasion of the pulheim city intervention from april 29 to june 21, 2015 with a text by barbara von flüe
booklet with zigzag folded pre and postscript
48 nn. pages, 10.5 × 18 cm
city of pulheim, culture department 2015
folding poster
client: city of pulheim
design: tino graß
typeface: akkurat
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eric hattan, oliver senn
mitten in pulheim, johannisstraße 14
book design
communication design
invitation and publication on the occasion of the pulheim city intervention from april 29 to june 21, 2015 with a text by barbara von flüe
booklet with zigzag folded pre and postscript
48 nn. pages, 10.5 × 18 cm
city of pulheim, culture department 2015
folding poster
client: city of pulheim
design: tino graß
typeface: akkurat
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