domeau & pérès
from idea to form
book design
catalogue to the exhibition from 18 may – 14 october 2018 at the kaiser wilhelm museum, krefeld. with texts by katia baudin, michael erlhoff, fabienne bidelaud and an interview by bruno domeau, philippe pérès and olivier reneau
linen with banderole
192 pages, 21 × 24,5 cm
kerber, bielefeld 2020
client: kunstmuseen krefeld
design: tino graß, morgane verlut, oleg bekker
typeface: avenir next
next project →
see also:
exat 51
folklore & avant-garde
jasmina cibic
domeau & pérès
from idea to form
book design
catalogue to the exhibition from 18 may – 14 october 2018 at the kaiser wilhelm museum, krefeld. with texts by katia baudin, michael erlhoff, fabienne bidelaud and an interview by bruno domeau, philippe pérès and olivier reneau
linen with banderole
192 pages, 21 × 24,5 cm
kerber, bielefeld 2020
client: kunstmuseen krefeld
design: tino graß, morgane verlut, oleg bekker
typeface: avenir next
next project →
see also:
exat 51
folklore & avant-garde
jasmina cibic