new ocean sea cycle kolumba ed.s 1–14
(baffin–st. lawrence)
richard siegal/ballet of difference
communication design
invitation, poster and room guide for the new ocean sea cycle performance, saturday, 28 august, 09.48 a.m. – sunday, 29 august, 10.31 a.m. a cooperation betweenkolumba, tanz cologne and richard siegal/ballet of difference, cologne
room guide (foldet poster)
20-seiter, 11,88 × 21 cm
kolumba, cologne 2021
din a0
client: kolumba, cologne
design: tino graß
zeichnung: richard siegal
typeface: gill sans, times new roman
next project →
see also:
attila kovács
klaus peter schnüttger-webs
the subtle interplay …
into the expanse
»making being here enough«
michael oppitz
pas de deux
new ocean sea cycle kolumba ed.s 1–14
(baffin–st. lawrence)
richard siegal/ballet of difference
communication design
invitation, poster and room guide for the new ocean sea cycle performance, saturday, 28 august, 09.48 a.m. – sunday, 29 august, 10.31 a.m. a cooperation betweenkolumba, tanz cologne and richard siegal/ballet of difference, cologne
room guide (foldet poster)
20-seiter, 11,88 × 21 cm
kolumba, cologne 2021
din a0
client: kolumba, cologne
design: tino graß
zeichnung: richard siegal
typeface: gill sans, times new roman
next project →
see also:
attila kovács
klaus peter schnüttger-webs
the subtle interplay …
into the expanse
»making being here enough«
michael oppitz
pas de deux